Stand-Alone Pages

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Kundalini and the Miraculous

There's a saying: "Be realistic, expect a miracle." Miracles, of course, come from the direction you least expect, and in a way that you don't, perhaps, want. A miracle can seem frightening, or even degrading. The awakening of Kundalini, and the thing that triggers the awakening, is a miracle in this existential sense. It takes place in your body, but only insofar as your body belongs to forces greater than you.

Love, too, can come as a shock, from an unexpected direction, and even seem frightening and degrading. The coup de foudre, the lightning stroke of love at first sight, is a reality. One is hit, split, burned, by another person.

A Tibetan lama, speaking about the awakening of Kundalini, wrote: "Throughout the world there exist countless emanations of the Female Buddha, Vajrayogini. If a practitioner conscientiously follows the Path, he will eventually meet an emanation of Vajrayogini manifesting as an attractive woman..."

If I'd read these words ten years ago, I would have thought: "The geezer's cracked. It's a typical male fantasy. The guy can't cope with a real woman, so he gets himself a female Buddha." ...Except, it happened to me. person, man or woman, can slip out of their ordinary-person-ness and be known as a force that's greater than you. I was walking along a freezing cold sidewalk in mid-winter in London when I glimpsed a woman shoplifting a bottle of Listerine. The glimpse stopped me dead in my tracks and sent a jolt of electricity up my spine. I felt giddy, as if I was drunk. The woman was beautiful, but her beauty was off-putting rather than attractive. Making love to her, a short time later, I couldn't come, even though the act was powerful. The electric jolt going up my spine erupted in my head with a splitting sound, like lightning splitting the air, and flooded my chest with a love more intense than I'd ever dreamed could exist. Within an hour of first seeing her, I was in love with a total stranger, and bonded to her in a way I'd never been attached to another human being. I'd never been a "practitioner," never "conscientiously followed" any Path but my own. My life was in ruins. But something the miraculous had occurred.

Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing. William Blake. c.1786.jpg
William Blake. c.1786: From William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
It could be argued that an orgasm, far from being a blissful release of tension, is a spasm of fear in the face of deeper forces that are at the point of taking hold of us. This is the reason that ejaculation, even the most self-surrendering, can feel like a defeat. The immensity of another being, their divinity, is about to manifest, not intellectually, but physically, gripping us by our nerves and muscles and bones. It's awe-inspiring to "... see a World in a Grain of Sand/And Heaven in a Wild Flower...", but it's even more awe-inspiring, and fearful, to see it in another person. Blake knew this, and stated it clearly in the same great, mystical poem: "... God is Love and God is Light/ For those poor souls that dwell in Night/ But does a Human Form display/ For those blest souls that dwell in Day."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Strangely enough, in the very lateste second when I uploaded the text, she phoned me... and I was just telling about all these... so this really something very puzzling and fascinating.

    2. Thanks for your reply, Cristian. It does truly seem that we have parallel experience of love for a woman. At this depth, erotic love is a path to transcendence, so it's natural that it brings about the daily 'miracles' you write of. I hope your translation of your book is going well.l I look forward to reading it.

    3. Thank you Paul again,... My book is already translated but it is written for students... in biology. However, it is not very difficult science, but some scientific words are present. I don't have the book for selling... Only at UHV Houston the professor Somasundaram has it. We wished to had a research grant in the beginning but then this was no longer possible and we do not have money to produce the results.

  2. I bow to astrology here. There is energetic chemistry at work that absolutely affects relationships. I don't know a formula for finding the right one, and I wouldn't use it to find true love. The science is not that advanced. But it is remarkable in its predictive capabilities. In the end the only formula for the path of love that I know of is to love carefully. Don't be naiive, careless, or foolish, Don't develop false expectations. Give a relationship time. Don't jump to conclusions. Don't lose your center. See that soulmate as as entranced by the relationship dynamics as you are. Above all, be honest with yourself about your perceptions. Acknowledge reality and don't allow zealous passion to derail you from the Tao.

    1. Hello Neil, What you say about astrology is very interesting. I don't know much about astrology, but I'm sure relationships interface with larger, outer patterns. I disagree with you about loving carefully. In my case, love was completely uncareful, and brought about a lot of chaos and danger. The chaos and danger were a test, that the relationship stood up to, in fact, thrived on.

    2. Hi Neil, ... in the past, before the biological transformation, I was a completely different person who did exactly what you pointed out, ... I never gave time to a relationship, always drawn pessimistic conclusions, I was almost always naiive and had false expectations. But after that experience, I can love without fears and without too much expectations but I am not even close to perfection... so, from time to time I make mistakes and learn from them. In the past, I couldn't learn from them... I even considered that there is nothing useful to be learn from them... But on the other hand, love might be sometimes uncareful, might bring sometimes chaos and danger, but still is beautiful and at least in my present moments of life I enjoy it as I never did in my entire life before biotransformation.

  3. I am just sharing my experience of 41+ years of being in the post-awakened state. I have loved with abandon, I have learned many lessons, not all of them easy, but all fulfilling in a deeply personal sense, and I regret none of it. It is like the old statement, live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation. The truth is that after the awakening I had overcome my deepest fears about myself. My self-confidence shot through the roof. This made relationships with the opposite gender much easier to form. This was not without consequences including having more offers from the women I met. Krishna wrote about this phenomenon as well. My comments about being careful come from experience. If you find true love, and by that I mean a soul-mate, there is no need to be in a hurry. It's not going anywhere. Conversely if the relationship is by its nature temporary, then that will show itself as well. It is said that no one got married with the idea in mind of getting divorced, but the divorce rate is 50%. Again, just a cautionary note.
