Stand-Alone Pages

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Due Diligence Is The Watchword

Questions about living with the kundalini-life force are specific to each case. Why? Because a lot depends on what triggers kundalini. Applying the wrong method can produce erratic or even harmful results. Moreover, cases of spontaneous kundalini arousal — those induced without using any method at all — can leave the individual confused and wishing he/she never looked into it.

There are many books and webpages devoted to questions and answers in these types of cases. However, the very fact that so many books dealing with the aftermath of questionable practices exist points directly to the issue of having a safe, reliable, repeatable method in the first place. How does one know if a method is reliable? Was the experience voluntary or involuntary? Was it permanent or temporary? Was it painful? And if so, where was the pain located? Was sleep difficult? What about diet? Specifically, what happened? Did it produce the results listed Triggers & EffectsIt's important to be able to describe the experience accurately.

Thankfully, by employing a safe, reliable, and repeatable method like GFM, I was able to land safely. Of course, in the direct aftermath of my experience, I had many questions. What were the sensations and phenomena I was observing inside my body? What caused them? What should I eat? Would I be able to sleep soundly? Would my dreams be different? Would I be able to come to terms with the force that had occupied my body? Would it hurt me? Would it force me to do something I didn’t want to do? Could I make it go away? Could it run out of control? What were its capabilities? Would my sexual nature change? Would I be forced into abstinence?
"An ancient adept said: ‘Formerly, every school knew this jewel, only fools did not know it wholly.’ If we reflect on this we see that the ancients attained long life by the help of the seed energy present in their own bodies, and did not lengthen their years by swallowing this or that type of elixir. But the worldly people lost the roots and clung to the treetops."~ The Secret of the Golden Flower – Lu Yen - Richard Wilhelm, Translator

In my experience, the kundalini-life force as activated by GFM is benign. Moreover, GFM results are permanent. The kundalini-life force is with you for the rest of your life; day in, day out, until the day you die, after which, it will merge your essence seamlessly with the energy continuum.

And since practicing GFM is entirely voluntary, you will do so in the full knowledge that the results are permanent; you can’t make them go away. The kundalini-life force is there to help, to restore.

Kundalini is like driving a super-powerful car with many marvelous new features. You're not obligated to drive it at 500 mph or try out the new features all at once; you probably shouldn't...but you can learn to do so gradually. Kundalini will not only teach you to use the additional resources it endows you with, but it will make sure you do so under control, without abusing your powers. Accept and learn from it. It will change your Being and prolong your life.

Kali Yoga

Is it scary? Can it make mistakes? There are involuntary cases — those awakened without guidance or a method — where the mechanism that controls the energy dosages releases too much or too little. Practitioners using GFM or similar methods don't usually face these situations, at least, I have not encountered any. In all cases dealing with powerful energy cultivation techniques, due diligence is the watchword.

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